INtuitive body therapy
My Signature Service
30 & 60mins | Price Varies
Intuitive Body Therapy approach consists of responding to the clients concerns and problem areas by accessing the body through my unique relationship with it energetically.
After the client lays down on the table, I am intuitively guided where the restrictions are in the body that need released and shown where to work. I then tap into my array of modalities to release the restrictions causing pain and discomfort for my clients.
My treatments often include a combination of::
〰️ Lymphatic Drainage - to help swelling, water retention and stagnate lymph on the arms and legs
〰️ Foot Reflexology - to assess where the body needs more assistance
〰️ Chinese Medial Qigong - to help clear out negative energies from all the organs and parts of the body where they are stored
〰️ Chakra Balancing, Reiki & Essential Oils when needed
〰️ Traditional Massage Techniques
〰️ Sound Therapy
〰️ Along with my own gifted healing touch.
I can successfully help the body to release and bring it back into a state of homeostasis and relaxation.
Intuitive Body Therapy encompasses my thirty plus years of training and experience into a treatment plan individuated and customized for each patient.
1 Hour | Price Varies
An excellent way to assess the body and help maintain a sense of well-being. By doing so, it calms the mind, strengthens and regulates the internal organs, nervous and immune systems, hormones, relieves pain and releases deep seated emotions and stress. It also tones, purges, regulates the organs and energy channels, as well as strengthening the body's protective energy field. Medical Qigong helps with posture and using this technique for breathing can help lower blood pressure, calming the body and much more. With the use of the healing sounds, I can detox the emotions even further.
1 Hour | Price Varies
A healing technique that helps to rid the mind and body of residual effects of trauma, such as surgeries, accidents, injuries and emotional shock related to buried experiences. For example, when someone passes away, they might suppress emotions of grief of the loved one or not being able to say goodbye from either through a breakup or death. Therefore, not experiencing closure and the body holds these types of memories called energy cysts. By using this technique, it helps to get rid of negative memories and emotions which if not released, it can cause pain and disease in the body.
1 Hour | Price Varies
This is a very gentle technique where I evaluate and enhance the function of the cranial-sacral system in relation to the brain and spinal cord function. It encourages the body’s natural ability to improve the function of the central nervous system helping to eliminate the negative affect of stress, enhances health, and it strengthens the resistance of disease. The cranial-system is made up of membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds and protects the brain and spinal cord. The cranium is made up of the bones of the skull, face and mouth, which extends down to the sacrum or tailbone. If you have restrictions is this system it can cause sensory, motor or neurological disabilities. These issues may include chronic pain, eye difficulties, scoliosis, and more.
1 Hour | Price Varies
A technique to help get the lymph moving again. The lymphatic system is the garbage truck that collects the trash and dumps it in the elimination systems. Sometimes, the lymph becomes sluggish and doesn't flow very well and lymphatic drainage helps to reduce built up edema. The lymphatic drainage takes the pressure off the cells and allows them to reproduce faster to heal.
Lymphatic Drainage Therapy also helps to drain toxins from smoking, wrinkles, detoxes inflammation and is also helpful before and after surgery.